Thunder 2024
1/21/2025: RV and Car reservations go live on 3/3 at 9:00am
Lot A Layout - Lot B Layout
Thunder Over Louisville is fast approaching and we will again be offering reserved and first-come first-served parking at Water Tower Square. As in years past, we will reach out to everyone who reserved a spot with us last year and offer the opportunity to reserve that same spot in 2025. Once we have worked through that list, we will allow for transfers or give those customers a chance to move their spaces. Reservations for the general public will open on 3/3 at 9:00am. On that Monday, you can either call our office at 812-288-9057 or show up in person to our office in the 300 Building. We accept credit cards, checks or cash.
Reserved RV spaces are available for $400, reserved car spaces are $100. If your tow vehicle will not fit on the designated RV space, you may purchase an additional “RV Car” parking pass for $60. Those parking spaces will not be assigned and will be on a different section of Lot A than your RV space.
*****reserved car parking on Lot A will not have an assigned parking spot. All car spaces on Lot A will be first come first serve on Saturday morning. You will have a spot to park no matter what time you arrive, but the later you get here the fewer options you’ll have.******
Thank you for coming to the Water Tower Square Business Park to enjoy Thunder Over Louisville. To ensure everyone’s safety and enjoyment of the event, we have a few suggestions and a few rules.
RV spaces on the gravel portion of Lot A are 20' x 40' . RV spaces on the paved portion of the lot will be 18' x 36'.
If you have a reserved RV space, we have tiered arrival times. Please see the Lot A map for your arrival time on Friday afternoon. Traffic on Saturday makes it more difficult for us to direct and safely navigate an RV through the lot. It will be a lot easier for everyone if you park your RV or trailer on Friday and spend the night or come by car on Saturday.
If you come in on Friday, please place your parking pass in your vehicle window on the driver’s side. We will try to collect all passes on Friday night. If any vehicle doesn’t have a pass, or it is parked in the wrong spot, it will be towed.
If you have a reserved parking pass, we will give a “pass out” for cars wanting to come and go the day of Thunder UP UNTIL 1:00PM. After 1:00pm you may not come and go from the property. If you leave after that time you will not be allowed back in without a pass or without paying again.
Generators and loud music are as much a part of Thunder as fireworks, but please be courteous and respectful of your neighbors. We don’t want to play Policeman, so please don’t make us.
All RV’s will have a reserved and numbered parking space. You must park in your assigned space or your vehicle will be towed.
RV’s will no longer receive an “RV Car” pass UNLESS your RV is a fifth wheel or a tow behind. You will be able to purchase an additional RV Car pass for $60. The parking area for these passes will be near Lot A and on a first-come first-served basis.
Absolutely no open fires of any kind. All open fires will be extinguished.
All generators must have an extension pipe for the exhaust that reaches above your RV.
We will provide a large dumpster for your trash. Please place all garbage bags into the dumpster before you leave on Sunday.
We do not provide Port-o-potties. If you would like to get one, please contract with a third party provider.